
MRKT E-mail 1

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Welcome to the MRKT - Hey Rhody Marketing Roundup Newsletter, brought to you by Hey Rhody Media Co.! This newsletter is your new go-to for small business insight including the latest trends, resources, and success stories in marketing and the small business community, hitting your inbox every other week.

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In Today’s Email:

  1. What to Know: Instagram updates & Gen Z data

  1. What's Trending: 
    Content ideas

  1. What to Use: Headline template to triple your views

  1. What to Try: Audio, template, free courses

What to Know

  • Instagram is Testing Longer Reels To Maximize Engagement

  • Survey Shows Big Differences in Shopping Habits Among Generations

Instagram is testing longer Reels, allowing some users to upload 3-minute videos, up from the current 90-second limit.
  • This presents small business owners with an opportunity to showcase products or services in more detail.

  • Businesses can now share tutorials and tell richer stories to engage with their audience.

  • Increased engagement through longer videos may lead to higher brand visibility and customer interaction.

Source: Giphy.com

B2B ••••••••••••••••••••
  1. Tutorial Reels: Share a step-by-step guide on how to use your business software or tools effectively.

  2. Behind-the-Scenes Reels: Provide a glimpse into your company culture, showcasing your team members and daily operations to build trust and transparency.

  3. Expert Advice Reels: Feature interviews or insights from industry experts discussing relevant topics or offering valuable tips and advice to your audience.

B2C ••••••••••••••••••••
  1. Product Demonstration Reels: Showcase your products in action, highlighting their features, benefits, and how they can solve customers' problems.

  2. Customer Testimonial Reels: Compile testimonials from satisfied customers sharing their experiences with your products or services to build social proof and credibility.

  3. Lifestyle Reels: Create lifestyle content related to your brand's niche, such as fitness tips, cooking tutorials, or fashion inspiration, to engage with your target audience on a personal level.

A survey conducted by Whop reveals significant differences in shopping habits among different generations, particularly Gen Z. Here’s what they found:
gen-z represents 143 billion in buying poer and the biggest influence on their purchasing decisisions are tik tok and instagram

Source: Whop.com

  • Gen Z prefers algorithmically generated social media timelines, with TikTok being the most popular platform, followed closely by Instagram.

  • Income has more influence than age in determining the likelihood of purchasing influencer-endorsed products.

  • Gen Z is more inclined to invest in education or high-risk investments like cryptocurrencies rather than saving for retirement.

  • Despite their inclination toward high-risk investments, Gen Z prefers the stability of traditional employment over self-employment.

  • Understanding the unique spending habits and aspirations of Gen Z is crucial for brands to resonate with this demographic.

For the full report, click here.

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  • Mean girls’ “80% of the Time” Trend: Showcase a hobby or skill you love by making a video.

    • Start by lip-syncing, "I spent about 80 percent of my time talking about [Your Topic]." Display this quote on your screen, replacing "[Your Topic]" with your chosen subject. Conclude with, "And the other 20 percent of the time, I was praying for someone else to bring her up so I could talk about her more," keeping the caption similar but displayed on your screen.

  • Shark Tank Video Trend: Use this trend to pretend you're pitching an industry-specific idea to the sharks.

  • Talented Brilliant Trend: Use this audio to hype up your business or a specific item/product.

To view an example of each trend, click on the corresponding image:

Mean Girls Trend

Shark Tank Trend

Talented Brilliant Trend

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What to Use: Four word headline formula to triple your views

Tell your audience that your content will guide them to a particular outcome using:
“Do X, Get Y”
Instead of:

"5 Ways to Improve Your Productivity"


"5 Productivity Hacks to Skyrocket Your Efficiency"

The second headline clearly tells the audience what they'll get by taking action: Do X (cause), Get Y (effect).

Why it works:
  • People love hearing about how one action directly leads to or influences a specific result.

  • Especially if that outcome could make their life better in some way.

B2B Example

Instead of:

"5 Marketing Strategies Every Company Should Implement"

You’d say:

"5 Marketing Tactics to Boost Your ROI and Outshine Competitors"

B2C Example

Instead of:

"10 Skincare Tips for Healthy Skin"

You’d say:

"10 Skincare Hacks to Achieve Youthful Skin"

What to Try: