Get Nostalgic, Get Found: Social Media’s Next Big Thing 🔎🔥 (8/21/24)

Ready to turn your followers into loyal customers without feeling like a pushy salesperson? In today's email, we've got the inside scoop on how to master social selling, ride the nostalgia wave, and take advantage of social media’s latest role as a search engine. Plus, we're serving up 10+ foolproof hooks that’ll grab attention faster than a Rhode Island heatwave! ☀️ Whether you’re looking to boost your sales, simplify your content creation, or just stay ahead of the curve, this one’s for you.

In Today’s Email:

  1. What to Know:

    • Latest platform updates

  1. What's Trending:

    • Nostalgia content

    • Using social media platforms as search engines

  1. What to Use:

    • Social selling to boost your sales

    • 10+ foolproof hooks

  1. What to Try:

    • Repurposing to simplify content creation

What to Know:

Latest Platform News and Updates

Here’s what’s shaking up the social media world:
  • Instagram: Reels just got longer – up to three minutes! Plus, AI is here to help with chatbots, customizable stickers, and content creation. New business tools let you manage orders right from DMs and add multiple links in your bio. Get ready for a smoother shopping experience.

  • TikTok: Shopping on TikTok just got easier with the new TikTok Shop, while AI chatbot Genie adds a little magic to your feed. Plus, beauty creators are getting their own spotlight. Oh, and say goodbye to watermarks on downloads and hello to landscape videos!

  • Facebook: A/B testing for Reels? Yes, please! Facebook is also diving into generative AI, making it easier than ever for brands to create eye-catching content.

  • X (formerly Twitter): Get ready for downvotes in replies and the upcoming AI-powered chatbot Grok, plus big changes in ad strategies, with new options for sponsoring creator videos.

  • LinkedIn: Sponsored newsletters and automated campaigns are making it easier for businesses to connect with professionals. It’s all about content sharing and thought leadership now!

  • Emerging Platforms: Keep an eye on Noplace, the new kid on the block that's blending Twitter and MySpace vibes for Gen Z.

The Big Picture: AI is taking over, social media is merging with e-commerce, and user engagement is getting a major upgrade. The future is interactive and personalized – are you ready?

Nostalgia Content 💭

Remember “the good old days”? Your customers do! Tapping into nostalgia can create an emotional connection that drives loyalty and sales. Whether you're a diner featuring retro-inspired dishes or a boutique selling vintage clothing, bringing back memories makes your brand unforgettable.

Why it works:

A study by the Journal of Consumer Research found that people are more likely to spend money when they’re feeling nostalgic. That's a golden opportunity for you! Whether it’s the '90s, the early 2000s, or even last decade, there's always a way to connect.

How to use it:

  • Retail: Bring back a popular product from the past, repackage it, and promote it as a “limited edition” throwback.

  • Restaurants: Create a “retro menu” featuring dishes from your restaurant’s early days. Pair it with a social media campaign asking customers to share their own memories.

  • Local Services: Use old-school visuals and language in your ads, tapping into the collective memory of the community.

In action: A Rhode Island coffee shop launched a “‘90s Vibe Week,” complete with retro decor, ‘90s music playlists, and vintage coffee prices (for a limited time). The result? An increase in foot traffic and a ton of free publicity on social media.

Rhody Tip: Think of a trend or product from your industry’s past that could resonate with your audience. Craft a small campaign around it, whether it's an ad, a product launch, or a themed event.

Social Media as Search Engines 🔍

Think Google is the only search engine that matters? Think again. Social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram are quickly becoming the go-to search tools for younger audiences. In fact, a recent survey by Google revealed that nearly 40 percent of Gen Z prefers searching on TikTok over traditional search engines.

Why it works: 

People trust content from real users more than they trust ads or search engine results. Plus, with the rise of micro-content (short videos, reels, etc.), users can find answers faster and in a more engaging format.

How to use it:

  • Hospitality: Post behind-the-scenes videos of your business, tag them with relevant keywords, and watch as they show up in search results.

  • Retail: Share customer reviews and product demos in short, engaging clips. Use trending hashtags to boost visibility.

  • Professional Services: Create short, educational videos answering common questions in your industry. It positions you as an expert and makes your content easy to find.

In action: A local boutique hotel in Newport started posting “mini tours” on Instagram, tagging posts with keywords like “Newport weekend getaway” and “Rhode Island stays.” Their booking inquiries jumped by 25 percent, with many new customers mentioning they found the hotel through Instagram search.

Rhody Tip: Pick one social media platform that fits your audience and start creating searchable content. Include keywords relevant to your industry and location, and track which types of content bring the most engagement.

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What to Use:

Boost Connection, Engagement, and Sales with Social Selling 📈

Ever wish you could sell without being that pushy salesperson? The good news is, you don’t have to be! Enter social selling, the art of building relationships and driving sales through social media. It’s about using platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook to nurture relationships and build trust with your audience. If you haven't already tapped into this goldmine, it's time to dive in!

Why it works:

According to LinkedIn, social sellers create 45 percent more opportunities and are 51 percent more likely to hit their quotas than those who don’t use social media. The best part? It feels more authentic because you're engaging with customers on their turf.

Why you should care:

  • Meet your customers where they are: Your potential customers are scrolling through social media every day. By joining the conversation, you’re putting your brand right where they hang out.

  • Build authentic connections: Social selling lets you engage in genuine conversations, answer questions, and provide value. This helps establish trust and makes people more likely to choose your products or services.

  • Boost your credibility: Sharing insights, success stories, and helpful tips positions you as an industry expert. When people see you as a go-to resource, they’re more likely to buy from you.

Tips to get started:

  1. Optimize your profiles: Make sure your social media profiles are complete and reflect your brand’s personality. Use a professional photo and write a bio that tells people what you do.

  2. Listen and engage: Keep an eye on conversations in your industry. Engage with comments, join discussions, and show genuine interest in your audience’s needs.

  3. Share valuable content: Post content that educates, entertains, or solves a problem for your audience. This could be blog posts, videos, or even quick tips.

  4. Use social listening tools: Tools like Hootsuite and Sprout Social can help you track mentions and stay in the loop about what’s happening in your niche.

How to use it:

  • B2B Services: Use LinkedIn to share valuable insights, join industry-specific groups, and connect with decision-makers. Start conversations, not pitches!

  • Retail: Showcase your products on Instagram and engage with followers through comments and DMs. Build relationships by offering personalized recommendations.

  • Real Estate: Use Facebook to share market updates, success stories, and client testimonials. Join local community groups to build trust and brand awareness.

Rhody Tip: Pick one social platform where your target audience hangs out. Spend 15 minutes a day engaging with potential customers; comment on their posts, share useful content, and start building those relationships.

What to Try:

Repurpose, Revitalize, and Rock Your Social Media Content


By repurposing your social media content, you can maintain a fresh and engaging online presence without constantly starting from scratch. So go ahead and give these strategies a try. Who knows? Your next viral post might just be a reimagined version of something you’ve already created!

Turn blog posts into bite-sized social media updates

Have a blog on your website? Break down those long-form articles into smaller, digestible nuggets that can be shared on social media. Highlight key points, quotes, or statistics, and pair them with engaging visuals.

Example: If you're a bakery, share a snippet from your blog post on the health benefits of sourdough bread. Accompany it with a mouthwatering photo of your freshly baked loaves and link back to the full article for those who want to learn more.

Create infographics from data-heavy content

Infographics are a great way to present complex information in a visually appealing format. Transform detailed reports or data-heavy content into easy-to-understand infographics that your audience will love to share.

Example: A fitness center can turn a report on workout trends into a vibrant infographic showcasing the most popular exercises and their benefits. Share it on Instagram and encourage followers to save it for workout inspiration.

Use video clips from longer videos

Videos are engaging but not everyone has time for a full-length feature. Extract clips from your longer videos to share as teasers or highlights on your social channels.

Example: A real estate agency can take clips from a virtual home tour and post them on social media with captions like “Sneak peek of this stunning living room! Want to see more? Check out the full tour on our YouTube channel.”

Compile user-generated content into a showcase

Encourage your customers to share their experiences with your products or services, and compile these into a highlight reel or a carousel post.

Example: A craft store can ask customers to post their creations using store supplies and then create a monthly “Crafty Creations” highlight on Instagram featuring their posts. This not only engages customers but also showcases the versatility of your products.

Transform webinars into evergreen content

Webinars are treasure troves of content that can be repurposed in multiple ways. Edit them into shorter videos, pull quotes for graphics, or even transcribe them into blog posts.

Example: A local tech company can take key insights from a webinar about cybersecurity trends and turn them into a series of LinkedIn posts, accompanied by expert quotes and infographics.

Check out some extra tips here:

Crafting Killer Hooks 🎯

What’s a hook, anyway? Think of it as your first impression, a single sentence or idea that pulls people in before they can even think about leaving. It's your bait, and you need it to be irresistible. The goal? Stop people in their tracks and make them want to see more.

Why it works: 

According to a study by Microsoft, the average human attention span is just eight seconds. Yep, eight seconds! That’s shorter than a goldfish. 🐠 If you don’t grab their attention in that tiny window, you’ve lost them, but a strong hook reels them in, keeping them around long enough to take action.

How to use it:

  • Email Marketing: Your subject line is your hook. Make it intriguing, humorous, or thought-provoking. If they don’t open the email, nothing else matters!

  • Social Media: Your first line of a caption or the opening few seconds of a video is crucial. Pose a question, share a shocking stat, or tease something valuable.

  • Website Copy: Your headline should instantly communicate a benefit or spark curiosity. It’s the gateway to the rest of your content.

In action: A Rhode Island bakery used the hook "Ever wondered why our donuts are always sold out by noon? Here's why..." in their email marketing campaign. It piqued curiosity and created a sense of urgency, leading to a 40 percent increase in online orders.

Rhody Tip: Write down the first sentence you would use in your next social post, email, or ad. Then ask yourself, “Would I stop to read more?” If not, tweak it until it’s irresistible.

Need some inspiration? Here’s a list of 15 hooks that have proven to be attention magnets:

  1. "What if I told you [surprising fact]?"

    • Example: "What if I told you drinking coffee could help you sleep better?”

  2. "Do you want to [desired result] without [undesirable action]?"

    • Example: "Do you want to double your Instagram followers without spending a dime?"

  3. "Here’s why [common belief] is wrong."

    • Example: "Here’s why working more hours doesn’t equal more success."

  4. "If you’re struggling with [problem], you’re not alone."

    • Example: "If you’re struggling with marketing your small business, you’re not alone."

  5. "Don’t make this mistake with [specific topic]."

    • Example: "Don’t make this mistake with your email marketing."

  6. "Ever wonder why [unexpected fact or trend]?"

    • Example: "Ever wonder why vintage clothing is making a comeback?"

  7. "The secret to [desired outcome] that nobody talks about."

    • Example: "The secret to baking perfect cheesecake that nobody talks about."

  8. "Warning: Avoid [bad thing] at all costs."

    • Example: "Warning: Avoid these marketing pitfalls at all costs."

  9. "The one thing you need to know about [topic]."

    • Example: "The one thing you need to know about growing your email list."

  10. "How to [desired outcome] in [short time period]."

    • Example: "How to boost your website traffic in just one week."

  11. "Why [common strategy] isn’t working anymore."

    • Example: "Why SEO isn’t working for your business anymore."

  12. "If you only do one thing today, make it this."

    • Example: "If you only do one thing today, make it be optimizing your website."

  13. "Is [popular belief] actually true?"

    • Example: "Is drinking 8 glasses of water a day actually necessary?"

  14. "The [specific number] reasons why [problem] happens."

    • Example: "The 3 reasons why your social media engagement is dropping."

  15. "Here’s what [famous figure] does differently."

    • Example: "Here’s what Steve Jobs did differently to innovate Apple."

Action Step: Pick one of these hooks and use it in your next piece of content. Don’t be afraid to experiment and see which ones resonate best with your audience. 🧪

That’s a wrap on today’s tips and trends! Now that you’ve got the tools to transform your followers into customers, capitalize on nostalgia, and simplify your content creation, it’s time to put these ideas into action. Remember, whether it’s crafting killer hooks or repurposing your best content, small tweaks can lead to big results. Until next time, keep creating, keep connecting, and keep growing! 💪